Error Messages

SNE: Stake Not Exists

Function: Unstake

Reason: The provided stake reference points to a Stake that is not active.

NSO: Not Stake Owner

Function: Unstake

Reason: The caller does not own the referenced Stake.

NNO: Not NFT Owner

Function: Unstake

Reason: The caller is not the owner of the supplied NFT id

SNM: Stake NFT Missing

Function: Unstake

Reason: The required NFT is missing from the callers wallet.

NTR: NFT Token Required

Function: Unstake

Reason: The user may either; not have the associated NFT to the specified Stake or there is no Stake associated to the referenced NFT id.


Function: Unstake

Reason: The Flash Protocol enforces a waiting time of 1 hour before callers can unstake early.

ISD: Invalid Stake Duration

Function: Unstake

Reason: The supplied _stakeDuration is either not greater 60 seconds or is greater than the max Stake duration as specified by the Flash Strategy.

EMD: Exceeds Max Duration

Function: Stake

Reason: The user may either; not have the associated NFT to the specified Stake or there is no Stake associated to the provided NFT Id.

Last updated