FLC-2304.18 (WEBBY Upgrade)


  • Networkless: All strategies of all networks and their APRs are now shown when doing a Flashstake or Flashback. Connecting to the proper network with the chosen strategy is no longer required until the user attempts to perform an action.

Fixes and Changes

  • Unstaking Too Early: Minimum staking requirements are now properly enforced by the dapp to not show unstake button before it is possible to do so for stakes less than 1 hour.

  • Congratulations Popup: Improved UX and messaging of popups for pending and completed transactions for Flashbacks and Unstaking. Also tweaked twitter share text output to resolve number formatting issue.

  • Partial Approval: An edge case fixed for partially approved tokens causing stakes to fail due to not enough tokens approved but the dapp not accounting for that issue.

  • Decimal APRs: Resolved improper formatting display for APR amounts preview text for Flashstakes for edge case scenarios of very small amounts and 0 values.

  • Decimal inputs: Resolved minor interaction issues caused by more than 18 decimal values input by the user that could cause a dapp crash for the user.

  • Flashback Redesign: As part of the networkless upgrade, the Flashback tab has been completely redesigned to make it easier to choose the LP token you wish to stake with and its current APR and an easily accessible link to manage LP deposits on external sites to acquire more LP tokens as needed.

  • Slippage: Better error message handling for redeeming yield failing due to too low slippage advanced setting value.

  • RPCs: We now use our own RPCs when possible for swaps data loading to avoid issues caused by using public RPCs.

  • Minor stuff: New fsGLP logo, tweaked clickable elements, dashboards, and UI. More Unit Tests.

Last updated